The Health Security Planning & Design Board Act (HB 203) was fifth on the House Health & Human Services Committee agenda yesterday, but the committee only made it through three bills. The remaining bills, including HB 203, were shifted to Wednesday's meeting. (Morning committees usually try to end before 1:30, when the afternoon committees begin.)
HB 203 is second on the agenda for Wednesday. Because the bill is early on the agenda, it has a much better chance of being heard.
HB 203 will set up a board to develop the details of the Health Security Plan, which will automatically provide guaranteed, comprehensive health care coverage to most New Mexicans.
Join the Meeting on Wednesday Morning via Zoom
The Health & Human Services Committee meeting begins at 8:30 AM on Wednesday. Since the Health Security bill is agenda item #2, we encourage you to join the meeting shortly after it starts.
We'll also keep you updated on the committee's progress via the gold bar at the top of this website's home page.
After HB 203 is introduced in committee by the sponsors, a Zoom poll will be conducted to see how many in the audience are for the bill and how many are against. Please be there to participate in the Zoom poll!
To join the meeting, click on this Zoom link: Or join by phone: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 (Webinar ID: 898 5325 6841).
While you can watch the committee meeting via the legislature's webcast, you will need to join via Zoom to participate in the poll or to speak.
Tips for Public Comment:
If you'd like to speak in support of the bill, make sure you keep it short—a maximum of 1 minute (they have timers!)
Think about how the bill's passage will make a difference for you, someone you care about, or the whole state. Then write your thoughts down in advance so you'll have something to refer to while you're speaking