Supreme Court Again Upholds Affordable Care Act

For the third time, the Affordable Care Act has survived a challenge in the Supreme Court.


The court determined that the plaintiffs—Texas and 17 other Republican-led states—did not have legal standing in the case. The court did not rule on the substance of the case, which centered on whether Congress's 2017 removal of the financial penalty for not buying health insurance meant that the entire law was unconstitutional.

This is great news for the roughly 20 million people who would have lost health care coverage if the ACA had been struck down. The ACA, of course, also protects those with preexisting conditions, forbids copays for certain preventive care services, and prohibits lifetime caps on benefits, among other advances.

For a full explanation of the case, see this morning's coverage from Kaiser Health News.

What's Next for Health Security?

What's Next?

As we’ve noted before, the $575,000 legislative appropriation for Health Security planning and design goes to the Office of the Superintendent of Insurance.

So what's next? The next step for the Campaign is to work with Rep. Armstrong and Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino to set up a meeting with the Superintendent's office to discuss the Health Security planning and design processand to ensure that the process is transparent and includes public input.

This is an exciting new phase for Health Security. Advocacy and education will still be the Campaign's focus, but with special attention on the specifics of how to create our own health plan. This may sound complicated, but all of us have personal experience with the current dysfunctional system!

At this stage, we all need to think about how we would like the critical provisions of the Health Security Plan to be designed—provisions that will allow easy access to comprehensive coverage, ensure choice of health care provider, address the needs of those from rural and underinsured areas of the state, and simplify what has become a complex and costly approach to health care.

A New Zoom Series

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To provide you with the information and background you'll need to evaluate the best approaches to achieve these design goals, we'll be offering a new interactive Zoom series on various design options for some of the key provisions of the Health Security Plan. We'll be inviting outside guests who are knowledgeable about these issues and about different ways to build our own health plan.

This is a challenging task—and a great opportunity. To succeed, we'll need your involvement and input to ensure the best possible outcome for our state.

We'll keep you posted on the latest developments and our new Zoom series.

Post-Session Appreciation

"Legislative Session Yields Healthcare Wins For New Mexicans"

That's the headline of Rep. Debbie Armstrong's post-session commentary, published last weekend by KRWG. In it, she lists 8 health care wins, including funding for Health Security:

“A supplemental funding budget bill includes $575,000 for the state to plan and design an innovative program to provide healthcare coverage to all New Mexicans.”

The purpose of the Health Security Planning & Design Board Act was to set up a design process for the Health Security Plan—and that's ultimately what happened. We want to thank Rep. Armstrong, Rep. Tara Lujan, and Rep. Patricia Roybal-Caballero for sponsoring the bill.

We also want to thank those who allocated some of their Junior funds to the Health Security planning and design process:

Without these 7 representatives (and 1 more mystery representative who hasn't been identified yet!), Health Security wouldn't be moving forward this year.

And we'd especially like to thank Rep. Armstrong and Paul Gibson, of Campaign member organization Retake Our Democracy, for their instrumental role in rounding up this funding by asking sympathetic House members to consider donating a portion of their funds to developing the details of the Health Security Plan. Our executive director, Mary Feldblum, was also indispensable in this effort.

Finally, we'd like to thank you. Those of you with representatives on the House committees called and emailed their representatives, asking them to support HB 203. And so many more of you were eagerly awaiting your turn to do the same. You joined HB 203's first committee hearing to register your support of the bill and were all ready for the second hearing as well. And you stuck with us even when it was unclear what path Health Security would take. We are grateful to all of you!

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Ready for the Design Phase, Plus Global Budgets Bill

Health Security Funding in Place; Ready to Move Forward!

$575,000 for the Health Security planning and design phase is included in the junior budget bill (SB 377), which is currently waiting to be heard on the House floor. From there the bill goes back to the Senate for concurrence, and then on to the governor for her signature. Changes are not usually made to "Junior," so we're pretty confident that the funding is secure. This means we're ready for the design phase!

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With less than a week left in the legislative session, it's clear that the Health Security Planning & Design Board Act (HB 203) is not going anywhere. And that's okay.

Remember, this also happened in 2019 with the Health Security cost analysis: the bill didn't pass, but the legislature appropriated funding that allowed Health Security to move forward.

Under the provisions of the $575,000 appropriation in Junior, the Office of the Superintendent of Insurance is charged with three interconnected tasks:

  • establish an advisory council

  • seek technical advice and assistance

  • research and design a system of comprehensive health coverage for New Mexico

We're looking forward to working with HB 203's sponsors—and the legislators who allocated their Junior funds to the Health Security planning and design process—and with the Superintendent's office to get things going!

Another Bill of Interest: Global Hospital Budgets Task Force (SB 351)


It's late in the game, but the Global Hospital Budgets Task Force bill (SB 351), sponsored by Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino, is finally on the move. It passed Senate Health & Public Affairs on Friday. (The New Mexico Hospital Association spoke in support of the legislation at the hearing.) The bill is now in Senate Finance.

Global budgets are a system under which hospitals receive a predictable and sustainable amount of revenue to cover their costs. With a guaranteed income stream, hospitals can focus on community needs rather than the most lucrative procedures (such as outpatient care and high-volume surgery).

While global budgets are a component of the Health Security Plan, they can be a part of any health care system. In fact, Maryland and Pennsylvania have received sizable grants from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to create global budget systems. Why shouldn't New Mexico take advantage of this grant funding as well?

Given the financial problems of so many New Mexico hospitals, exacerbated by COVID-19, SB 351 proposes the creation of a Global Hospital Budgets Task Force to study global budgets and to develop a demonstration project that is tailored to our geographically large and mostly rural state. The project would be open to rural hospitals that voluntarily choose to participate. The goal is to apply for available CMS funding for the project.

If your senator sits on the Senate Finance Committee, you may want to call them and ask for their support on SB 351.

Where Things Stand: The Bill & the Funding

Health Security Status: The Bill & the Funding

THE NOT-SO-GOOD NEWS: The Health Security Planning & Design Board Act (HB 203) has still not been heard in the House Appropriations & Finance Committee.

As the session rushes toward its March 20 finish line, passage of HB 203 becomes less likely, although still not impossible. Passage would require getting out of House Appropriations & Finance, passing the House floor, passing assigned committees (probably two) on the Senate side, passing the Senate floor, and then being signed into law by the governor.

THE REALLY GOOD NEWS: We have funding for the Health Security planning and design phaseand that funding is NOT contingent on passage of HB 203.

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The $600,000 appropriation in HB 203 was not included in the main state budget bill. When HB 203 sponsors and other supporting legislators realized that, they contributed some of the funds allotted to them toward the development of the Health Security Plan. (Each representative was allotted $175,000 to go to the programs or agencies they chose; each senator was allotted $297,000.)

The House Appropriations & Finance Committee and the Senate Finance Committee are putting together a junior budget bill with all the legislators’ allocations. This bill should easily pass both houses. HB 203 sponsor Rep. Debbie Armstrong has assured us that enough money has been contributed by legislators to fund the planning and design process.

WHAT THIS MEANS: Regardless of the ultimate fate of HB 203, the planning and design of the Health Security Plan should proceed this year!

If HB 203 passes, the Office of the Superintendent of Insurance will oversee an 11-member board of experts (appointed partly by the governor and partly by the legislature) to design the details of the Health Security Plan.

If HB 203 does not pass, the Office of the Superintendent of Insurance will oversee the planning and design process. The superintendent has a public health background, and key agency staff are familiar with the Health Security Plan's provisions.

Legislative Update on Thursday (03/11), 7:00 PM

Find out the latest this Thursday, 7:00-8:15 PM.

Join us at 7:00 PM for our semi-weekly Zoom update on HB 203 and the legislative session.

Register now!

HB 203 Hearing in Appropriations (updated)

Updated March 5, 11:15 AM

HB 203 Hearing Not Yet Rescheduled

After being taken off the agenda on Tuesday, the Health Security Planning & Design Board Act (HB 203) has not yet been rescheduled for its hearing in the House Appropriations & Finance Committee.

The committee did not meet Thursday, and to our surprise, is not meeting today (Friday) either. It’s unclear at this point whether it will meet over the weekend. We will let you know as soon as HB 203 is back on the agenda.

While the legislative session ends in just over two weeks, a lot can happen in that time!

Updated March 2, 1:30 PM

HB 203 Postponed in House Appropriations

At the last minute, the hearing on the Health Security Planning & Design Board Act (HB 203) in the House Appropriations & Finance Committee has been postponed until later this week.

Hang in there—this is part of what happens during the legislative session, and we have great bill sponsors who are fighting for HB 203!

We'll let you know as soon as we know more.

HB 203 in House Appropriations This Afternoon

The Health Security Planning & Design Board Act (HB 203) is scheduled to be heard in the House Appropriations & Finance Committee early this afternoon (Tuesday)!

HB 203 is second on the agenda. This is a fast-moving committee, so please join the meeting promptly at 1:30 PM. They should start on time.

Zoom link:
Webinar ID: 810 4977 7380

It's hard to know how much public participation, if any, the committee will invite. They might take an online poll to measure support for the bill—so try to be on Zoom in case they do—or they might allow very limited testimony by a few key supporters.

If your representative is on House Appropriations & Finance and you haven't already called them, please call THIS MORNING and ask them to vote in favor of HB 203, the Health Security bill!

Just a reminder: HB 203 will set up a board to develop the details of the Health Security Plan, which will automatically provide guaranteed, comprehensive health care coverage to most New Mexicans.

House Appropriations Hearing Coming Up

HB 203 Hearing in House Appropriations This Week (We Hope!)


We expect the Health Security Planning & Design Board Act (HB 203) to be heard in the House Appropriations & Finance Committee this week, possibly as soon as tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon.

And we have some good news to share! Funding for HB 203 has been secured and will be in the "junior" budget bill. That means that the appropriation included in HB 203 is no longer needed and can be removed during the Appropriations Committee hearing.

The committee agendas are posted online just one day in advance—often late in the evening—so we don't have much advance notice of when bills will be heard. We'll let you know as soon as HB 203 is on the committee's agenda. (Any new information will also be posted on the gold bar at the top of the home page.)

Because HB 203 may be heard as early as tomorrow, if you haven't already called your legislator, please call TODAY! See details below.

Just a reminder: HB 203 will set up a board to develop the details of the Health Security Plan, which will automatically provide guaranteed, comprehensive health care coverage to most New Mexicans.

Legislative Update on Thursday (03/04), 7:00-8:15 PM

Our next legislative update via Zoom is planned for this Thursday, March 4. Hopefully by then HB 203 will have been heard—and passed—by House Appropriations. Join us on Thursday for the latest.

Register now!

Call Your Representative on the Appropriations Committee Today

If your representative is on the Appropriations & Finance Committee, please call them to ask them to vote for HB 203. You can also add that the funding for HB 203 is in “junior”—Appropriations Committee members are particularly concerned with funding.

If you can't get through on the phone, please send an email with the subject line "Vote yes on HB 203 (Health Security)" and just one or two sentences about why you support the Health Security Plan and want to see the development process begin.

Make sure to note that you live in your representative's district—legislators pay more attention to their constituents!

Please also reach out to friends and relatives, as they may live in one of the following representatives' districts, even if you don't. These calls can have a real impact on legislators' votes.

If you're not sure who your representative is, find out here.

Legislative Update: Thurs (2/25) via Zoom

Zoom Update on Thursday Evening, 7:00-8:15 PM

We've now reached the halfway point in the legislative session.

Join us this Thursday (Feb. 25) for an update on the Health Security Planning & Design Board Act (HB 203) and the legislative session—what's happened so far and what we can expect in the next four weeks.

Register today!

Where Is the Health Security Bill Now?

After passing the House Health & Human Services Committee on Feb. 17, HB 203 will be heard next in the House Appropriations & Finance Committee, its second and last committee assignment in the House.

Appropriations & Finance wrapped up the budget bill (HB 2) today and will start hearing the bills assigned to the committee on Wednesday. It’s possible that HB 203 will be heard toward the end of this week, although the fact that the committee is not meeting on Tuesday makes it less likely.

Health Security Bill Passes First Committee!

Health & Human Services Committee Votes to Pass HB 203

The Health Security Planning & Design Board Act (HB 203) was considered yesterday morning in the House Health & Human Services Committee. While the bill was second on the agenda, it was heard first—spurring an emergency email alert from us shortly after the meeting began!

After wonderful public testimony and a lively discussion by committee members, the bill passed by a vote of 8 to 2.

Voted For HB 203
Rep. Deborah A. Armstrong
Rep. Phelps Anderson
Rep. Brittney Barreras
Rep. Karen Bash
Rep. Joanne J. Ferrary
Rep. Marian Matthews
Rep. Roger Montoya
Rep. Liz Thomson

Voted Against HB 203
Rep. Stefani Lord
Rep. Luis Terrazas

Absent (Excused)
Rep. Gail Armstrong

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As the main sponsor of the bill, Rep. Debbie Armstrong introduced HB 203 in the committee. A poll was then taken of the 80 people on the Zoom meeting—86% supported the bill!

When those in opposition began speaking, it became clear who the remaining 14% were: the New Mexico Chamber of Commerce and insurance industry lobbyists.

The testimony in support of HB 203—your testimony—was amazing! Thoughtful, convincing, and heartfelt . . . and all impressively delivered in one-minute segments. Speakers ranged from nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and mental health professionals to farmers and small business owners, from everyday citizens to diverse organizations.

New Mexicans from Gallup to Silver City to Las Cruces to Las Vegas raised their (virtual) hands to talk. We heard moving personal stories about how the Health Security Plan would help, and economic, social, and practical arguments for why HB 203 is the right path to take. New Mexico Voices for Children, AARP, the Bernalillo County Community Health Council, and the American Association of University Women were just a few of the organizations that testified in support.

To those of you who joined the Zoom meeting yesterday, thank you! If you weren't able to be there, a recording is available on the legislative website.

What Happens Next?

Now that HB 203 has passed its first committee, the bill's passage needs to be reported to the full House of Representatives. This will happen later today, during what's known as a floor session. To find out more about how a bill moves through the legislature, check out our legislative flyer.

HB 203 will then move on to its final House committee, Appropriations & Finance.

The Appropriations & Finance Committee is currently busy with the state's budget bill, HB 2. We'll let you know as soon as the Health Security bill is scheduled to be heard.

In the meantime, take a look at the 19 members of the House Appropriations & Finance Committee and see if your representative is among them. (If you're not sure who your representative is, you can find out here.) We'll need lots of calls before the hearing!

HB 203 Hearing Rolled Over to Wed. 02/17

Health Security Hearing Moved to Wednesday (Feb. 17)

The House Health & Human Services Committee meets via Zoom on February 15.

The House Health & Human Services Committee meets via Zoom on February 15.

The Health Security Planning & Design Board Act (HB 203) was fifth on the House Health & Human Services Committee agenda yesterday, but the committee only made it through three bills. The remaining bills, including HB 203, were shifted to Wednesday's meeting. (Morning committees usually try to end before 1:30, when the afternoon committees begin.)

HB 203 is second on the agenda for Wednesday. Because the bill is early on the agenda, it has a much better chance of being heard.

HB 203 will set up a board to develop the details of the Health Security Plan, which will automatically provide guaranteed, comprehensive health care coverage to most New Mexicans.

Join the Meeting on Wednesday Morning via Zoom

The Health & Human Services Committee meeting begins at 8:30 AM on Wednesday. Since the Health Security bill is agenda item #2, we encourage you to join the meeting shortly after it starts.

We'll also keep you updated on the committee's progress via the gold bar at the top of this website's home page.

After HB 203 is introduced in committee by the sponsors, a Zoom poll will be conducted to see how many in the audience are for the bill and how many are against. Please be there to participate in the Zoom poll!

To join the meeting, click on this Zoom link: Or join by phone: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 (Webinar ID: 898 5325 6841).

While you can watch the committee meeting via the legislature's webcast, you will need to join via Zoom to participate in the poll or to speak.

Tips for Public Comment:

If you'd like to speak in support of the bill, make sure you keep it short—a maximum of 1 minute (they have timers!)

  • Think about how the bill's passage will make a difference for you, someone you care about, or the whole state. Then write your thoughts down in advance so you'll have something to refer to while you're speaking

  • Practice what you're going to say, and remember that you need to limit your remarks to no more than 1 minute.

  • HB 203 will set up a board to develop the details of the Health Security Plan. You could talk about how the Health Security Plan would affect you, and that we need to pass HB 203 now to get started on working out all the details.

HB 203 Hearing on Monday 02/15

Updated 02.14.21

HB 203 Scheduled for Monday Morning (Feb. 15) Hearing

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The Health Security Planning & Design Board Act (HB 203) is on Monday’s agenda in the House Health & Human Services Committee.

The meeting starts at 8:30 AM, and HB 203 is now #5 on the agenda. (Monday's meeting will begin with two cannabis bills that were held over from Saturday's meeting.)

HB 203 will set up a board to develop the details of the Health Security Plan, which will automatically provide guaranteed, comprehensive health care coverage to most New Mexicans.

Participate via Zoom on Monday!

The committee meeting, held via Zoom, begins at 8:30 AM on Monday, and the Health Security bill is agenda item #5. That means it's hard to tell exactly when the hearing on the bill will begin.

You can join the meeting periodically to see where the committee is in the agenda, but we'll also keep you updated on the committee's progress via the gold bar at the top of our home page.

The Zoom link is Or join by phone: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128. The webinar ID is 898 5325 6841.

After the bill is introduced in committee, a Zoom poll will be conducted to see how many in the audience are for the bill and how many are against. Please be there to participate in the Zoom poll!

If you'd like to also speak in support of HB 203, here are some tips for public comment:

  • Think about how the bill's passage will make a difference for you, someone you care about, or the whole state. Then write your thoughts down so you'll have something to refer to while you're speaking.

  • Practice what you're going to say in advance, and keep it short: you’ll need to limit your remarks to no more than 1 minute (they have timers!).

  • Remember that HB 203 will set up a board to develop the details of the Health Security Plan. You could talk about how the Health Security Plan would affect you, and that we need to pass HB 203 now to get started on working out all the details.

HB 203 in Committee Next Week

HB 203 Update

The Health Security Planning & Design Board Act (HB 203) should be heard in its first committee, House Health & Human Services, sometime next week.

We'll let you know as soon as we know which day!

Making Your Voice Heard in a Virtual Session

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While the state capitol is closed to the public, New Mexicans from across the state can participate in the 2021 legislative session via Zoom. This means that no matter where you are, you can take part in committee hearings and share your opinions.

How are hearings being conducted in this virtual world? Since every committee chair is doing things slightly differently, we'll focus on the process in the Health & Human Services Committee:

  1. The bill is presented to the committee. The bill sponsor, often along with a chosen expert, speaks about what the proposed legislation will do.

  2. A Zoom poll is conducted to count how many in the audience are for the bill and how many are against. This is the first way to have your voice heard!

  3. Public testimony is given. This is the second way to have your voice heard!

  4. The committee members discuss the bill.

  5. The committee members vote on the bill.

Participate in the Zoom Poll!

We'll be asking all of our supporters to join the committee's Zoom meeting when HB 203 is scheduled to be heard so they can indicate their support of the bill through the poll. The committee needs to see that there is tremendous public support for Health Security!

Public Comment

Testifying in favor of HB 203 is another way to let the committee members know how you feel. Not everyone wants to speak. If you do, here are our suggestions:

  • Think about how the bill's passage will positively impact you, someone you care about, or the whole state. Then write your thoughts down so you'll have something to refer to while you're speaking.

  • Practice what you're going to say in advance, and limit your remarks to no more than 1 minute.

  • Remember that HB 203 will set up a board to develop the details of the Health Security Plan. You could talk about how the Health Security Plan would affect you, and that we need to pass HB 203 now to get started on working out all the details.

Preparing to Contact Your Legislators

What's the first step in contacting your legislators? Making sure you know who they are! Type your home address into the legislature's Find Your Legislator tool, grab a sticky note, and post your representative's and senator's names and district numbers on your refrigerator door or another obvious place.

If your representative is on the Health & Human Services Committee, we'll be asking you to contact them as soon as we know which day HB 203 will be heard.

In the Meantime . . .

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Check out this op-ed from Las Cruces resident Peter Goodman, which appeared in Sunday's Las Cruces Sun-News.

"A friend says, 'It's too big for New Mexico.' But it isn't. As mentioned, we don't move forward unless the detailed design satisfies both the Legislature and the governor. That's a limited investment for a possibly huge payoff. Meanwhile, millionaire CEOs of insurance companies get richer off our timidity."