Mini Handout (For All Occasions!)

At our statewide meeting at the end of April, several people requested a smaller, more concise Health Security handout—something they could print out and give to interested friends or colleagues, or pass out at an event. So we put together this two-sided, quarter-page mini handout:

mini handout front and back.JPG

To print out at home, click here. For best results, print out "actual size" rather than "fit to page." And remember, it's double-sided!

If you're printing out multiple copies at a print or copy shop, and the shop is doing the cutting, click here for a version without cutting guidelines. 

Debut in Los Alamos

Our mini handout had its public debut in Los Alamos, where Health Security supporters Tyler Taylor, Susan Gisler (pictured below), and Galen Gisler (pictured below) put together a Health Security table at Chamberfest. 
