NM Legislature, Day 18

The $64,000 question: Why is it taking so long?

Short answer: 
The Health Security Act is not the only bill out there!*

Long answer:
Most committees hear bills in the order in which the bills were referred to that committee, so we need to wait our turn. 

Both of the Health Security Act's first committee assignments—the House Health & Human Services Committee and the Senate Public Affairs Committee—are already fielding full dockets.** The Health & Human Services Committee is even meeting this Saturday! (The committee’s regularly scheduled days are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.)

So, as hard as it is, we need to be patient.

Hopeful outlook: 
It looks as though both bills may be heard toward the end of next week. For the latest developments, please sign up for our email alerts.

* Fun fact #1
: So far, 437 bills have been introduced in the Senate and 449 have been introduced in the House, for a grand total of 886 bills. The last day to introduce legislation is February 14. 

** Fun fact #2: Both the House Health & Human Services Committee and the Senate Public Affairs Committee are chaired by Health Security Act sponsors: Rep. Debbie Armstrong on the House side and Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino on the Senate side.