NM Medical Society Support

New Mexico Medical Society Supports Passage of Health Security Act

Last Thursday, four proponents of the Health Security Act had the chance to speak in front of the Senate Public Affairs Committee. One of them was Dr. Rick Madden, who spoke on behalf of the New Mexico Medical Association. 

We'd like to share his remarks with you:

Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee. Thank you for allowing me to speak. I am speaking representing the New Mexico Medical Society, our state professional organization for physicians.

I'm a family physician in Belen. I've been there 34 years. The Medical Society took up the Health Security Act a couple of years ago in our house of delegates, and we decided that we wanted to support the Health Security Act in 2017. We still stand by that. Particular emphasis, at the beginning of this bill, is fiscal analysis, and that's particularly what the Medical Society wants to support. Can we afford this? Will it provide what it says it will provide for the number of people?

As a practicing family physician, I can tell you many times over the years I've seen patients who did not have healthcare coverage leave my practice after one visit because they couldn't afford the next visit. When they got care under expanded Medicaid, or they got an employer that was able to cover it, they came back. The key is that their health improved. They were able to provide for their families because they could keep their job. That helped the economy; that helped the wealth of the state. . . .

The Medical Society does support this and for good reasons, for the care of our patients. I also, on another note, represent the New Mexico Academy of Family Physicians. I'm the Chair of the Legislative Affairs Committee, and we also support this bill. Thank you very much.

Dr. Madden (standing, far right) speaks to the Senate Public Affairs Committee on February 7 regarding SB 279.

Dr. Madden (standing, far right) speaks to the Senate Public Affairs Committee on February 7 regarding SB 279.

The next two hearings on the Health Security Act should be coming up soon. We'll let you know as soon as they're scheduled.

HB 295 will be heard next in the House State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs Committee, and SB 279 will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Keep Us Going!

You might be surprised to know that even with the legislature in session, we haven't slowed down one bit with our education and outreach efforts. 

We're talking with community leaders, community groups, and everyday New Mexicans in towns and cities across the state, and we're reaching out to media contacts to inform even more people about the Health Security Act. And, of course, we're keeping you involved and up to date with email alerts and this website. 

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