On Saturday, November 19, more than 60 people came together in Albuquerque for the 2016 Health Security statewide strategy meeting. Participants came from as far away as Gallup, Las Cruces, and Taos.
Health Security chair Max Bartlett and executive committee member Maury Castro kicked off the meeting with a welcome to everyone present.
Next up was our legislative panel, with Sen. Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Sen. Bill Soules, and Sen.-Elect Bill Tallman on the senate side and Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero, Rep. Christine Trujillo, and Rep.-Elect Linda Trujillo on the house side.
Legislative panel listening to a question.
Panelists talked about the upcoming legislative session, offered suggestions on how Health Security supporters can help promote the Health Security Act before and during the session, and took questions from the audience. Given the uncertain future of the Affordable Care Act, timely passage of the Health Security Act is now more important than ever; supporters need to let their legislators know how they feel!
Health Security chair Max Bartlett then spoke about the current health care landscape at the national and state levels, discussing expected challenges to the Affordable Care Act as well as opportunities for change in New Mexico.
After lunch, participants split into groups to brainstorm about how best to help with passage of the 2017 Health Security Act. Some excellent ideas were shared!
Small-group workshop
To cap off the meeting, longtime Health Security supporters Dana and Leverett Millen performed a humorous but pointed skit about what it would be like if we purchased police protection the way we currently purchase health insurance.
We appreciate the time and energy of the participating legislators and our committed supporters--thank you so much for coming!
We would also like to thank Immanuel Presbyterian Church for providing the space for our meeting, and supporter Willard Hunter for being our unofficial photographer.
Health Security 2016 statewide strategy meeting. Photo © Willard Hunter.