HB 295 Passes Second Committee — Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign

HB 295 Passes Second Committee

HB 295 (the Health Security Act in the House) is finally moving again!

The House State Government, Elections & Indian Affairs Committee passed HB 295 this afternoon by a vote of 5 to 3.

HB 295 House State Govt.JPG

We had great testimony in favor of Health Security, with supporters doing a wonderful job of keeping their testimony short and to the point. With the hearing starting around 2:00 PM and the House floor session scheduled to start at 3:00, we were racing against the clock.

The usual suspects--lobbyists for the insurance industry, and the NM Association of Commerce and Industry--spoke in opposition. 

The bill passed along party lines, with one committee member absent.

For the latest on the Health Security Act’s journey through the legislature, sign up for our email alerts.
